The work of the collaborative artist and design practice, Wednesday Architecture, balances between a narrative and sculptural storytelling combined with a fascination of materials; their properties and attributes. The founders Sofie Trier Mørk and Lise Bjerre Schmidt are both trained architects from The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation. In 2013 they started collaborating under the name Wednesday Architecture and have received a number of scholarships, honours and prizes for their work within the fields of fine art, furniture and object design.
Today, they work from their studio in Copenhagen - A laboratory for experiments and development, aiming to challenge conventions and to pull their designs along unexpected paths.
WEDNESDAY ACRHITECTURE APS | Sølvgade 28 1307 KBH K | Lise Bjerre Schmidt | 4225 4422 | & Sofie Trier Mørk | 2682 0142 |